Quantitative research or qualitative research for Essays?

 Both terms are always spoken and we will explain both. In this post we will teach the difference between qualitative and quantitative research and the right time to do each one.

Let’s assume you need to do some market research. While planning your project, a question arises: Does your project call for quantitative research or qualitative research? Maybe both? Then wow writing will help you out in making the papers. Who works, has worked or is still in the phase of trying to understand the universe of market research, has certainly come across the distinction between quantitative and qualitative research.


But what is the difference between these two approaches? What is each of them for? Let’s get a better understanding of both methodologies right now.

  • What is quantitative research?
  • What is qualitative research?
  • Quantitative or qualitative research: which one to do?

Qualitative and quantitative research: how to do both together

Quantitative market research should then follow a structured questionnaire and interview model. In this type of research, the respondent has access to hypotheses already formulated and, with his opinion, can prove or overturn these hypotheses – or even formulate new ones. The questionnaire, in this case, must follow one or more predetermined paths.
The information obtained from a quantitative survey comes in the form of numbers or data that can be “turned” into numbers. Taking as an example the Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology, for example, we can identify the quantitative approach in the standard survey question. “On a scale of 0 to 10, how much would you recommend our company to a friend?”

  • In the case of SPN, the respondent gives a grade on the proposed scale, which is later grouped into 3 distinct groups. The groups represent the valued brand promoter clients, neutral clients and brand detractors.
  • Using a quantitative research, your project will have uniform results, which will facilitate a more standardized understanding of the data obtained. The results of quantitative research, by the way, are easily translated into graphs and tables.

What is qualitative research?

Basically and unlike quantitative research qualitative research explores more subjective and in-depth information. Quail research takes into account the particularities of respondents in a broad and immeasurable or quantifiable analysis.

This type of research is conducted in an exploratory manner, in which the interviewee is encouraged to give their opinion more freely, not always in a way that can be expressed in numbers or even in words. This is because qualitative research, rather than following a questionnaire, follows a script, giving more freedom and opinion participation of the interviewee.

Conducting qualitative research, therefore, is freer and can come in a variety of formats, such as in-depth interviews or even well-known focus groups – a marketing technique that brings together a group of people to discuss certain issues with a moderator present. Choose to conduct qualitative research, for example, when your goal includes a deeper contextualization of responses to validate the testing of a product, concept, or campaign.

After collecting the data, the result of qualitative research is also presented differently. Instead of generating numbers, translated into graphs and tables, research is presented in the form of in-depth reports. These reports highlight excerpts from interviews, phrases, and most relevant opinions found during the search.

Quantitative or qualitative research: which one to do?

Like any decision in a project, the choice between a quanta or a quail research will be different for each situation.

Thus, before defining the type of approach your project requires, you need to clearly keep in mind your problem, its purpose, and how your data should be presented after collection to make the right decision. Simply put, you need to think about what you need for that project is to statistically validate a hypothesis, to know the general opinion of a homogeneous group of people, or to understand in depth the opinion of a group of people.